Thursday, April 26, 2007

The stupidest things are different.

First off, thanks to all for the nice replies to my last post. I don't know how you may be alerted to when someone responds to your response, but I did try answer some of the questions.

Now for my thought dropping of the day: Look at you keyboard. Go ahead. Find the '@' symbol. You see where yours is? Above the '2'.

MINE is NOW where the " used to be. And my " is now above the '2'

WTF? Do you know how many emails I have tried to send this week that looked like this:


WHY? there is no good reason for the keyboards to be different. I actually expected other problems. Like the '£' would have to go somewhere. BUT they kept the '$' right where it normally goes. (for those morbidly curious, the '#' has been displaced.)

I can't type now. Fuck.

Also, they gave me a checkbook at my new bank. (HSBC) I am currently too embarassed to ask anyone how to make out a check, because it doesn't look like any I have EVER seen. I guess I will be late on my bills as I have to go the library to figure this one out.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Telecom Woes...

So, I have moved to the UK. I am in a very empty house, with a mattress, a comfy chair, a battery operated radio, and a nice TV. The TV is odd since it is a 40-inch LCD HD ready, etc. etc...yet it has a set of rabbit-ears sticking out of it.
It's like the Jetsons meet the Flintstones.

I don't yet have Cable/Sat.

Anyway, you may have noticed in my above list I DID NOT SAY "computer" or "laptop" at all. That is because, they are essentially useless in my new home. (save for games, watching DVDs, doing work, blah, blah.)

I don't yet have Cable/Sat. --which means no Broadband/HighSpeed/DSL.

So here is the deal in the UK:
1)you have to have a BT line to get Sky Satellite.
2)it takes Sky about 10 days to come out to see you and put up a dish.
3)You have to be an established Sky customer in order to add-on Broadband.
4)It takes 10 days after that to get your modem delivered. (You have to use theirs.)

So, no BB, no Internet, spotty blogging, and for those of you waiting on it: no opportunity--right now--to re-establish Radiotiki. It will be a few more weeks, kids.

Sorry. I will Blog as I can from the office or Library.

Until I get umbilical back to the world...Smoochies.