Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Aye, a Pox be on Ye!

Before my kids were allowed in school back in the states, the school district asked if they had ever had the chicken pox. Since they had not, the school said, “Get them vaccinated.” So we did. The Doctor, who was a really nice guy, checked to see if the parents needed it too. Well—Mommy had them as a child, so did not need it…Daddy on the other hand, had never had them.

“BUT, no!” I said rather stupidly, now that I look at it in hindsight. “I will not need the vaccine! I must be immune! I must have some mysterious powers against it! I have been exposed many times as a child and as adult. Never got’em. My own parents took me to play with friends who had open sores. Never got’em. I was dating a girl in high school who had them at the time. Never got‘em. Goodness-me, if I get that vaccine, I may actually be putting myself at risk for something else! Away with you and your quackery! Be gone, and practice your craft upon another. “

So, of course, last week I got‘em. I had the chicken pox.

I was out of work for the week, quarantined from the office because I had the chicken pox. Whoa…back up, there…It was not really the mini-holiday that you might think it to be.

First, as I have mentioned previously, I actually work hard here. So being out of the office, unplanned, caused some issues. I made all possible attempts to work from home, using all the facilities that modern technology and 21st century living could provide. However, mobile phones and wireless networked laptop in my bedroom can only take one so far productivity-wise.

Second, I couldn’t really leave the house because I looked like a leper. Really. It’s not like I could pop down to the coffee shop, or bakery, etc. I had many spots my face and neck and was quite monstrous. Plus there was that “ethical voice” inside my head (OK, it was Viki) saying, “No, you can’t go to Starbucks, you’ll infect others, blah, blah, blah…”

Third, when one hears about chicken pox symptoms, calamine lotion, itching misery, etc. come immediately to mind. But none of that happened. Sure, I had lots of spots, that did indeed “scab-over” which was oh-so-very attractive. But, never itched, never scratched, was never uncomfortable…what they don’t tell you is: you get really, really sleepy. I was tired all the time. The first 2 days of my confinement, I slept something like 18 hours a day. Again, to some of you this may sound inviting even restful. To that I say, “Try it.” It gets annoying after awhile.

Fourth, the daytime is quite awful for watching anything on the TV, especially here in the UK. At any given moment I had my choice of shows about:

  • buying a home
  • selling a home
  • fixing up a home to pawn off on someone else
  • decorating a home
  • gardening around the home
  • cooking at home
  • composting at home
  • redecorating your soon-to-be-former-best-friend’s home while they redecorate your home
  • finding junk to sell in your home
  • buying other people’s junk for your home
  • And...Star Trek. (All forms of Star Trek are on here several times during the day--OS, NG, DS9, Voyager, and even Enterprise.)

I should have taken the vaccine.
