Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sick Day

Some of you might be thinking, "Oh nice, tomb...you start this blog and then you pull a Brad and not update it."

Yes, I intended to update this weekend on a couple of things: Remember the coffee post? Stuff I found in my eye? No, I haven't forgotten. Also, I spent Saturday night and part of Sunday morning with executives from RJ Reynolds, including the CEO. Who, by the way, is completely in my kink box--50ish, newly divorced woman, CEO, made $XX millions of dollars last year, not afraid of the drinky, and thinks Tommy is funny. Yes!

So, I had some stuff to say...but, being out until 5:30 am, consuming a larger than recommended amount of vodka and champagne (not together, mind you), and then shovelling snow for two hours on Sunday without being wise enough to wear a hat...I got sick. Not just a little sick. ALOT sick. I hate this. It is like the flu bug was infected with a cold and then invaded my body.

However, I am not puking (using the Shakespearean spelling), which is a good thing. I am also soliciting Soup Recipes. Chicken, tomato, potato, as long there are not big chunks of anything in it. Send them to me here or to my email box.

I will get to the more interesting stuff after I convalesce.



Brad said...

1. You don't have to update it everyday. Going two days without updating isn't "Pulling a Brad".

2. I resent the fact you are calling it "pulling a Brad" in the first place. ;)

tomb said...

1. It was four days, wasn't it?
That *may* be "pulling a brad"

2. Aren't you glad that "pulling a brad" doesn't mean something else? ;)

Time was "pulling a brad" meant getting nails out of a board, or, depending on your dialect, masturbation.

Jeff said...

Literally, "Pulling a Brad" would be masturbating while thinking of Kristin Chenoweth.

Masturbation while thinking of the CEO of RJ Reynolds would be "Pulling a Tom."

Anonymous said...

late fifties, heavy smoker = kink box, or your MOM???

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