Friday, February 23, 2007

Tom's BEEF

So, those of you who remember me from The Great RadioTiki Experiment will recall that on occasion, I had a few things to get off my chest. Well, now I have a portal and no editors! (See Jeff)

Two big beefs for you today.
2.) (oooooh, the host of this site, oooooh)

Item #1: Damn you lottery! I have other things to spend that $20 bucks on... Stop having a bing giant prize and making me play, even though I have a nigh-zero chance of winning. Yes, the mega-millions jackpot is now up to $180 million. So, of course my brain says, "sure, you have almost no chance of winning, but if you don't play--you have no chance at all." Oh no! I gotta play. So why $20? Well, I did a quick-pick like 6 years ago and won $150 on it first try, so I decided to stay with those numbers. It was 4 $5 tickets and I copied them on to one of those reader-sheets and keep it in my own "I-am-78-years-old-and-I-play-my-grandkids-birthdays-in-the-lottery-everyday" proctective plastic envelope. So, when I go... when I play... only when its over $100 million... then I just hand the guy my envelope. Slick, huh? Oh, did you say sad? So now its "Up there" and its been there for two weeks. So I play.

Somebody win, so I can go back to ignoring the lottery.

Item#2: Now, I am not exactly sure who to be mad at here--maybe even myself for my own stupidity. BUT! Since I have registered for and created this blog, my spam has increased 100-fold. I am not exaggerating. I just dumped it 15 minutes ago...hang on, I'll check again now...5 more. (two of the "she will love you more than any other guy" that I now get 25 times a day) It is all addressed in ways like "tikitomb" or a variant--a name I have never used before this blog. Now, I did use my long standing email address for my profile because of its connection to my aforementioned radioshow, and I expected some spam. However, this is bordering on the stupid. Wait, it's been another 3 minutes, I'll check again...yep, there's one more "RX from Canada".

Thanks, Blogspot (or Google, cause you are the owners) thanks for screwing me. I really hope I don't dump something important.



Anonymous said...


If you're not married to Blogger, may I suggest VOX?

It's a better blogging platform aimed at creative types, but it has better features, no spam and with out that Google after taste.

I'll send you an invite.

Anonymous said...

I just shunt things to dummy email accounts. Check out

-Listener ShinRa