Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Telecom Woes...

So, I have moved to the UK. I am in a very empty house, with a mattress, a comfy chair, a battery operated radio, and a nice TV. The TV is odd since it is a 40-inch LCD HD ready, etc. etc...yet it has a set of rabbit-ears sticking out of it.
It's like the Jetsons meet the Flintstones.

I don't yet have Cable/Sat.

Anyway, you may have noticed in my above list I DID NOT SAY "computer" or "laptop" at all. That is because, they are essentially useless in my new home. (save for games, watching DVDs, doing work, blah, blah.)

I don't yet have Cable/Sat. --which means no Broadband/HighSpeed/DSL.

So here is the deal in the UK:
1)you have to have a BT line to get Sky Satellite.
2)it takes Sky about 10 days to come out to see you and put up a dish.
3)You have to be an established Sky customer in order to add-on Broadband.
4)It takes 10 days after that to get your modem delivered. (You have to use theirs.)

So, no BB, no Internet, spotty blogging, and for those of you waiting on it: no opportunity--right now--to re-establish Radiotiki. It will be a few more weeks, kids.

Sorry. I will Blog as I can from the office or Library.

Until I get umbilical back to the world...Smoochies.


Anonymous said...

Dear Tom
Now that you have established a foothold, congratulations on insinuating yourself into English society. It's just a matter of time untill you are crowned king. Also, in England, do they call them Soccer Moms or Football moms?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I'm glad you made it over and are getting acclimated. Part of me envies you and part of me doesn't, (I try not to let those to parts talk to each other.)

I'm sorry about your BT woes, they come up on The Register ( lot, and not for how clever they are.

It's good to hear from you. Drink a pint for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom. Still missing you and the Tiki crew. Glad to see an update. I went back to college for one semester (in Jan) so some things for me have been spotty. Glad to read that you are getting somewhat situated. Your house sounds like my apartment here in college (did I mention that I have been living 2.5 hours away from my husband for 4 months now - and only see him on the weekends?). I have a TV, cardtable, 4 folding chairs, an upholstered mini-rocker, a mattress and a dresser. It's lame. I hope your fam makes it over there soon to make your house a home. I move back May 5th. Exciting.

tomb said...

In a nutshell, so far I have not seen any hot moms. But then I have not been where they are. Soon I will go to Sainbury's. I need food anyway.

BT has been the most efficient. They handled everything remotely. BUT everyone else rents BT's line. They are...less...efficient.

Jess--your situation sounds just like mine. Try drinking. I can't recommend it enough. And: get a mistress for the weekdays. That is my plan. (Yes, I said mistress. Boy-toy sounded too "sex in the city" for me. Besides. Mistress is better.)


Anonymous said...

Here’s a Broadband Video that will show you how to check availability by postcode, how perform a broadband speed test and where to find broadband forums to answer your questions. There are also offers for SKY Broadband.