Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Brief Treatise on Happiness

Because they are often fleeting, I realize that moments of true happiness should be treasured. These times should be recognized and respected. We sometimes take happiness for granted and only remember it in it's absence. Yes, I know this is how we define it, and that's how the concept of "perspective" works. I know, I know, point here is shout to everyone: appreciate happiness when you notice it. It may not be there in a few hours, days, or weeks.

Yesterday I noticed it.

I promised myself and the universe at large that I would jot it down for the record. I quickly made note of my happiness so that even in hindsight, it would not be affected by my mood (which is not that great today, I might add. But, I have successfully captured yesterday's moment for posterity.)

So, today I follow though on my promise.

Disclaimer: The happy thoughts and opinions expressed below occurred to me on 15 October 2008 09:17:34 on a train bound for Glasgow. They are my own and not intended to tell anyone else how to be happy. I just felt the need to share and preserve.

Enjoy. I hope that you find and save some happy-moments of your own. Remember them when you are not.

  1. Autumn is arriving in the Northern Hemisphere. The smell and the particular angle of the sunlight at this time of year always inspires some good cheer in me.

  2. Surgery on my leg not only went extremely well, but I am apparently healing from the event very quickly. The complete absence of pain in the joint is a bit spooky, but a true source of relief and pleasure.

  3. Foggy misty Rail Journey from London to Glasgow. Flatlands slowly changing to green and rocky hills. English countryside fading to Scottish wilds. Wonderful.

  4. Riding in First Class, too. (Which I sprung for personally, no miles, no promotional trickery. Just a little treat for recovering from above mentioned surgery. Feels good to do that for yourself, once in awhile. Sort of like chicks and “Spa-Days.” Ha!)

  5. The Spinners doing “Rubber-band Man” on my MP3 player, the full 7 minute version. It is impossible for anyone who listens to this tune to not be completely happy, possibly even inspired to boogie, just a little bit. (And of course, want to giddily distribute office products. “Thanks, Crab-man.”) UPDATE: My random-play function followed this up with XTC’s “King for a Day.” I am truly living a charmed-hour.

  6. Viki, Tuesday. Enough said.

  7. Alexandra can do back-flips nearly at will and completely enjoys herself while doing so. I took her to the park near our UK home and she spent 90 minutes doing just that. Giggling and smiling the whole time.

  8. Max has 3 plastic dinosaur models/puzzles. He not only can get these really, really, complex little puzzles put together, but then loves to take them apart again. After re-assembly for the umpteenth time, he pretends he is their Dad. He teaches these plastic dinosaurs to read, write letters and words. (He helps them hold the pencil, of course.)

  9. Max has announced that the dinosaurs actually have TWO Dad’s. Himself and me. I am honoured.

  10. Complicated one here: Alex is having trouble deciding whether she will be in the Olympics for Trampoline or Gymnastics. She thinks that perhaps she will do only floor exercise for Gymnastics and fully compete in Trampoline. She also thinks this is a good idea because the USA doesn’t have a good trampoline team, but she trains in the UK. Her foresight in this impresses me, despite it being a bit premature to plan for the Olympiad. While her enthusiasm buoys my happiness, but I am not holding my breath for her to make the national team...I mean, she goes once a week for two hours. She doesn't even like to practice. I am proud of her, just the same.



Anonymous said...

Hello Tom, I saw this post on my google alerts for 'happiness'. I have to say, it IS the little things that make it all so sweet. I'd love for you to stop by my new site called TheSatisfied, it's a (user generated) site devoted to those little things. I'd love if you contributed. I especially like the one about the train ride. Perfect. Makes me wish I was there.

Wonderful post.

Orangelamb said...


Thanks for that reminder this morning.

David Herrold said...

It's great to step back and realize just how cool and interesting life can be.

Just realized you're on Twitter. Are there any other Tiki-boys on Twitter?

Anonymous said...

I will be extremely happy when I'm finished painting my small bathroom. Am watching coat one of two dry.