Thursday, August 28, 2008

So, The Great Pontificator(?), Orator, Ego-Aggrandizer Returns

But, was what he’s got say worth the wait? Hardly. To what do I attribute my absence from the blog-o-sphere? Afterall, I have been peppered, reproached, and aye even stung by criticism for taking such a long hiatus (sounds so much more important that way, doesn’t it?) between missives. Folks were reading my feeble prose-droppings. For that I both apologize and thank you. While it was more than simple laziness on my part as I will explain in a moment, the truth-be-told, I let it go for too long.

In the past I have attributed this to my work here in England, and that still holds. However, I have had a lingering, now festering (figuratively, not literally) medical issue that has, for lack of a better word, depressed me. I usually find my own depression weak (although I am understanding of it in others) since, “it just isn’t Tom(B), you know?” It is nearly not possible in my own coding to be down for too long. Viki gets to see this (bless her) but not too many others.

But, a bit down I’ve been. Subsequent to this, I find the time that I might have spent writing my dribs & drabs with the vain hope of my own and others’ amusement--is instead spent throwing myself on the sofa (read: TV) or even to bed a bit earlier than normal to just read a book or listen to the baseball game. (A technological miracle allows me to listen the Chicago Radio Broadcast of the White Sox on AM 670 The Score via the internet. Of course due to the Sox games being played mostly at night [i.e. 1 AM or so for me in the UK] I must listen to the previous day’s game and make a heroic attempt to not look at the final score. I’ve done it, it works.)

It’s not the sort of “being down” that anyone need concern themselves with. It’s not that kind of depressed. The fact is, I have a joint/muscle problem in my legs/hips, and I am just exhausted at the end of the day. It’s the being tired and sore bit that frustrates me. So, no bloggy-tommy, for the last few (8) months.

Honestly, whenever I got the time to sit and think about it, something else would happen—then I’d end up going to sleep or something ridiculous like that.

But now, I'm gettin' all that "fixed" and find myself feeling...anticipatory.

Anyway…my blog is back up and to help the process out, I have new entry which you can see below.

Thanks for everyone who has been asking about it. It does one’s heart good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom,

I wanted to leave a comment so you know that your blog entries aren't going unnoticed.

Good luck with the hip surgery. I hope you're feeling better soon; physical ailments take quite a toll on mental health as well.

Thanks for the update, both here and at RadioTiki.